AFK Arena by Lilith Games, a groundbreaking mobile RPG, offers an exciting new brand new Shadow Invasions mode. It throws you into a diverse world populated with different factions, each boasting over 100 heroes. This roguelike survival mode spots endless waves of monsters which makes it an ultimate arena of combat. Remember, it's a classic turn-based game enriched with numerous variety of modes that keep the adventure thrilling and the engagement level high.
- AFK Arena offers a roguelike survival mode, the Brand New Shadow Invasion. In this mode, you're continuously bombarded by an incessant flow of monsters, and the only way out is to keep upgrading your skills and improving your fighting abilities.
- The game gives you a chance to choose from more than 100 heroes from various factions. You can build your own team, strategize and form the ultimate lineup to conquer the leaderboard.
- It hosts a strategic battle system where you can equip your chosen heroes and develop unbeatable lineups to defeat your enemies. Each faction has its unique buffs and advantages over others which adds another layer of strategy.
- AFK Arena endorses non-stop perks meaning your heroes will continue to level up even while you are AFK, offering you bountiful rewards every time you log back in.