Enter the world of Moncage, a phenomenal vignette puzzle adventure game developed by Optillusion. The game unfolds inside a mysterious cube, where each face represents a different world, ranging from an old factory to a whimsical amusement park. At first glance, these worlds seem unrelated, but as you dive deeper into this fascinating game, witness the subtle connections that bind these worlds together in the most mesmerizing ways.
- Moncage challenges players to solve perplexing puzzles with mind-bending optical illusions. Unleash your imagination and bring your A-game to unlock unexpected connections between different sides of the cube.
- The game also offers an undercurrent of mystery with a surprising plot twist. Retrieve photos from hidden corners to unravel the captivating story, with each photo adding a tangential detail.
- If you're stuck, don’t fret! Moncage offers a wide range of guidance systems that include focal points, hint texts, and video walkthroughs - a foolproof safety net ensuring you never lose your momentum.
- Poise for recognition with medals. Moncage features 15 unique achievements, each rewarded with a specially designed medal. A full medal collection could attest to your exemplary puzzle-solving prowess.